Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

what should be the Daily Regimen according to Ayurveda

Ideal Daily Regimen told by seers...

 Practical guidelines for implementing concept of health in today's society

 Coordination between mind and body and ultimately influence one's constitution.

Ayurveda gives equal importance to  the maintenance of health by preservation of ailements & in curing them.

Perfect daily regimen regularised a person's circadian clock,which  aids digestion, absorption & assimilation & generates self esteem,discipline,peace, happiness & longevity.

The individual is in the definite frame of time is divisible into two- Daily regimen & seasonal/periodical regimen. The science is dedicated to the maintenance of positive health called as Swasthavritta & medicine.

 For preserving the wholesome lifespan ,a healthy person should arise from sleep at Bramha muhurata .

Thus the healthy individual may get up 2muhurta i.e. 96 min/ 1&½  hr. before sunrise. It's benifits can be experienced like lightness,freshness& creativity.  There are sattvik qualities in nature that bring peace of mind& freshness to the senses.

Sunrise may vary according to season ,but on an average people with vatik constitution should get up about 6 am ,pitta people at 5.30 & kapha by 4.30am which is the time of vata pitta and kapha respectively.

Say a prayer like "कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी..प्रभाते कर दर्शनाम।"

Which express the gratitude towards God for this beautiful life,this day and the hands which helps individual to achive the four attributes of life.. at different part of hand placesof god…

After that,clean the face,mouth& eyes  by cold water,before rinsing mouth a glass of normal water or water  overnight preserve in the copper pot should drink without mouth washing,as the saliva accumulated after overnight,which contains enzyme like ptylin is very precious ,benificial for overall health ( belives that if a grain of food keep in the mouth overnight and if that  consume by bird,it will die,)that much toxic saliva is beneficial for our own body to sterilize the stomach and improve digestion.

Oral health:

Tooth brushing is a vary important part of daily regimen,in Ayurveda different classics Charak,sushrut,Astang Hriday. different tree branches are recommended for that,but it's quite impracticable to get everyday, soft  green twig having a crushed end of Neem ( Azadiracta indica) or Karanja( pongamia pinnata)can be used if available. Currently ample Verity of tooth pastes,tooth brushes, are available choose best of that with your consciousness i.e. with less fluorides,salt ,sour or sweet sabstances or any other harmful agents for denture especially tooth enamel. Flossing,dental cleaning is being used effectively.

Toung scrapping also helpful to remove dead bacterias on toungue and helps to improve digestion.

Oral health can be preserve by use of  refreshning mouth gargles by mouth wash.It is inevitable for themaintainance of proper health, regular brushing helps to eliminate bad odor( halitosis),sliminess,kapha and produces clarity,in order to percieve taste and sludge deposited over tooth,toungoue & mouth& improves taste.

It is contraindicated in  for there sho are suffering from indigestion, Vomitting, dyspnea,asthma,cough,fever, facial palcy, thirst, stomatitis,cardiac disorders,eye disorders,disease affecting head and ear diseases.

Oil gargling named as Gandush in Ayurveda is imparts strength of the jaws,voice and excellent pumpness/ flabbiness to the face, excellent gustatory sensation & good taste for food.Helps in dryness of throat,flar of lips,no decay of tooth, instead of that firm rooted and do not ache.


Indian toilet practice is known as ideal position. Many disorders like indigestion,piles, fissure,fistula are directly interdependent with bowel habits. Improper digestion of the person night'smeal or lack of sound sleep can prevent or affect this.

Pranayam ( anulom,vilom) from alternate nostril breathing may help for proper evacuation,aftter cleansing of hand,feet and face,proper santizition with soup is unavoidable.

 Care of eyes:

After that clean eyes with cold water, masssage the eyelids by gentally rubbing them,blink eyes,rotate in all directions..to improve health of eyes in Ayurveda use of collyrium is recommended...those ladies which using cosmetics for eyes on daily basis should follow that instead of using market chemical cosmetics. It helps to remove kapha ...to clean the vision and improve the health of eyes.its regular use eliminate burning,itching,dirt,watering& pain in eyes, provides brilliance clarity of ,vision& tolerance to wind,the sun and prevents eye diseases.Eyes become beautiful like lotus,and brighter.

Avoid in soered eyes,fever,loss of sleep like conditions.Abhyanga ( Therapeutic masssage)

Directions,indications & benefits of Masssage ( head,body massage)

Well olieated head alleviates headache and other head diseases , premature graying, alopecia, strengthening the cranial bones significantly. Provides softness,length,luxuriance,gloss & blackness in hair,satiety  on head,charm on face, saturation in sense organs & refilling of vacant head.  

As  sprouts grows over tree on irrigating its root with water ,dhatus are promoted by oily bath. Oil massage produces physical strength,by nourishing blood vessels & hair follicles.

Hair roots become smoother,causes sound sleep &. happiness. Chakrataill is recommonded for head massage.

Combing is also gives Massage to scalp also improves blood circulation in scalp.,removes dust,louse,dirt.

Complete body massage improves physical strength,prevents vata disorders & delays aging process,it also improves skin texture & prevents indirect physical injuries due to exertion & strain. Retards aging, overcomes fatigue, annihilate effects of aggriveted vata softens the body,checks kapha,vata,promotes body tissues (dhatus),unites  dislocated joint,alleviates gain of injury,burn,trauma & rubbing.

It improves clarity of vision,tenders nourishment, longevity,good sleep,good skin tone, complexion & elasticity,sturdy physique. It should be particularly practiced by those from vitiated of kapha dosa,those having undergone either one of the five purificatory methods & those  suffering from by dyspepcia.

Karna pooran:

By filling the ears with oil daily,prevents it from earache,carotid region pain or any other diseases of the vata type,no stiffness of the neck or jaws,lessen hearing difficulties and deaftness.

The skin becomes Beutiful,tolerance to hardship & physical strains is enhanced.

Padabhyanga( Foot massage ): The roughness,stiffness,dryness,fatigue& numbness if feet are alleviated by massaging the legs. The legs attain gentleness, strength,firmness,the eyes attain brightness and the vata is pacified. Foot massage also prevents sciatica like lumbo-sacral vata disorders,fissure ( cracks) in feet.. contraction of the muscle& blood vessels of legs.,delays aging,foot,heel fascia,improve strength of legs & eyesight. It's nourishing gives strength immediately,sustains body,& promotes life span, brilliance, energy, memory ojas & digestive power.

It brings sleep,it is pleasing & wholesome for eyes removes fatigue,numbness,softens sole skin.

Benifits of snan( Bath)

Wiping of body removes body bad odour,heaviness,fatigue, itching,dirt,anorexia and loathsome ness due to sweating. Bathing is purifying,promotive to virility, longevity,brings about physical strength and enhances ojas to the highest degree.

Removes sleep, burning,thirst,bath is pleasing, excellent cleanser,arouse all sensory & other ,pacified drawsiness,& inertia,provides contentment,promotes sexual potency,pacifies blood& stimulates digestive power.

Bath is contraindicated in diorrhea ,fever,earache

Bath kindles Agni( improves digestion),provides, health, longevity & enhances sexual drive, energy & strength,tackeels itching,dirt, fatigue, sweat,lythargy,thirst,burning,feet,ill feelings., prevent skin diseases, improve strength 

Vagus nerve supplies the lungs,bronchi & stomach. The auricular branch of the vagus was once  known as Alderman's nerve. "Aldermen,those lovers of good cheer,were said ,when replete at banquets ,to stimulate their appetite by dropping cold water behind the ear. Apparently,this acted by reflexly encouraging gastric peristalsis".( D. J. Dupiessis,A synopsis of surgical anatomy,11th edition).

Pouring warm water below the neck while bathing renders strength to the body. However it poured over the head,it is determined to the eyes& hair.

Bath is contraindicated in those suffering from facial palsy inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity,ears, diarrhoea, abdominal eye disease, distention,rhinorrhea, running nose, indigestion & just after intake of food.

Nasal errhines:

Nasya can be practiced throughout the life.Nasya removes unwanted mucosal secretions & clear up the para nasal sinuses and adjoining areas( urdhvanga being the seat of kapha ,Nasya us the ancient cleansing procedure of the area).Besides providing nourishment to the brain. Vriddha vagbhat adviced Prstimarsha( low load of Nadya on daily basis of Anutail).

Vyayam( Exercise):

The practice of physical exercise renders body blight& efficient in activities,improves digestive power,wants obesity,renders finally chiseled contour and consistent body structure.

Exercise is  two fold meant for increasing muscle strength and muscle bulk and to increase stamina( endurance). Muscles build against physical resistance, especially with conscious resistance.

An unactivated muscle goes atrophied, diseases atrophy can be seen after paralytic disorders.

Gymnastics/ calisthenics/ workout  usually indoor physical exercise) are done using equipments like weighs,bars & ropes there help to increase body strength & the ability to move & bend easily. Aerobics are energetic physical exercise often performed  with a group. These increase endurance ,makes heart lungs & muscles strong & increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Specific exercises can be employed for selective muscle groups only,for strengthening then in case of dystrophies after a period of immobility( e.g. Quadriceps strengthening exercises for rehabilitation after fracture of tibia),for sharing the weight / stress upon a joint ( e.g neck exercises for strengthy neck muscles in cervical spondylosis), mobilization of tissue fluid in oedema after inflammatory lesions etc.

Now almost 800 years after  inception of Astang Hriday we are taught that daily exercise is must ,it is known that daily exercise prevents arthropathies,vascular& collagen  related diseases,helps checks hypertension,promotes circulation,controls lipid profile ,and given over all immunity when properly instituted.It is the method to keep healthy without any expenditure.

Strong individuals who are habituated to fat rich may routinely Practice' exercise in winter & spring ,using only half the strength  one can gather,. In another seasons done using lesser strength,after exercises,the entire body should be massaged comfortably.

Physical exercises benifits the body by promoting proper functioning of Agni which helps metabolism at various levels & normalizes day to day transient vitiation of doshas. Thus vyayam in general helps to maintain both the state of proper health. In the case of other individuals those who routinely consume oily food,in the seasons like Hemant,Shishir vasanta( cold,autumn,spring)) ,physical exercises are to be practiced untill the half of the total enery reserve in the body gets utilized. In cold seasons one characterized by natural increase in body strength. In this season there is accumulation of kapha which  get vitiated further,in order to pacify kapha,toilsome physical exercises are recommended in these season. The appearance perspiration along the forehead,nose,joints & armpits is indicative of utilization of half of the total energy reserve in the body.

As per Sushruta, physical exercise causes physical development,lusture,compactness of body parts,stimulation of digestive power,absence of idleness, firmness, lightness, cleanliness, tolerance to fatigue,exaustion,thirst,heat,cold etc.& provides optimum immunity. Exercise acts like antiobesity treatment,it keep away aging,by making firm musculature. Due to performing daily exercise ,even incompatible food,cooked or uncooked is digested without difficulty,with consideration of age,physique,place,diet,& time exercise should be performe half of the strength.

If indulge in excess exercise ,keeping awake, walking, sex,laughter and talk  would blight the individual like a lion destroyed while seizing( attacking) an elephant i.e. excess exercise may severely harm the body may cause thirst, emanciation,Verity of asthma,belching disorders,physical fatigue,cough fever and vomiting.

Udvartana: Upword direction massage with powderd drugs ,disintegrates kapha, dissolves away fat, provides firmness to body parts& excellently clarifies skin.according to sushrut it's of two types udgharshan and utsadan-( 24/5/556)

Dry & oily a ointments , widening of the poiens of blood vessels and stimulation of the heat of skin.

Particularly in women it promotes lusture of body along with cheerfulness, fortune, cleanliness, lightness etc. alleviates itching ,allergic patches and vata.

Udgharshanam- Rubbing with dry ( non oily) drug powder etc. rubbing with soup,pumis stone etc.

Utsadan- it is rubbing with oily paste.

In this way,the health of supraclavicular body parts sense organs can be maintained following procedure given in daily regimen.

To protect eyes,ear,mouth tongue,,teeth and other sens organs from vitiated doshas,to promote and improved their functions properties,various procedures are recommended to follow,  on daily basis.

One should follow certain practices to maintain personal hygiene and look good in society.

This is required for a positive and productive image building in our society.

One should follow all the daily regimen to attain a happy and healthy life and ultimately fullfill purpose of life(Ch.su.5/104)

In this way in the morning ,after evacuation of the bowels and cleaning ,start with care of eyes,in ear instilltion of medicated oil drops,teeth cleaning, tongue scrapping,mouth freshness such as Clove ,betel leaves jatiphala,cardmom etc. Keeping oil in mouth for few minutes. Shaving, massaging head,body & feet with oil, rubbing medicated powder on body before bathing,wearing clean attrire,shoes is recommended.

It is concluded by saying that sukhayu( happy and healthy life) is achieved by taking care of the body just as a competent town administrator would take care of his city.


Ayurved:A Key of Health

Thining of hair a burning problem in youngsters

Shiny ,long hair with Ayurved treatement

PHARMACODYNAMICS of VAMAN( Therapeutic emesis)