Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda


Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient.

Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures.

There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment.

World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health.

Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide people for the benefits of healthy natural food, pollution free atmosphere, fresh homemade eatables, fresh fruits rather than packed, tinned soft drinks….Many concepts are practiced in India from long but we people never believe or respect those, when those concepts promoted by western countries we start follow them for e.g. the use of turmeric in milk which is famous as milk latte.

The origin of Yoga is In India but we accept and start practicing it when in European countries starts appreciating its benefits.

Importance of Meditation, also ‘spending time with animals or being in the company of animals like cow which are calm and cool is beneficial for human being for peace of mind’, which is promoted by other countries as a “cow cuddling” to get relief from depression, nervous breakdown like symptoms is recently invented but in India it is practicing from ancient era in fact cow is worshiped as a mother or goddess.

In this way we are underestimating our noble culture, Ayurved is also a part of that culture, so there should be a strategy to accept and propagate the ethics of ayurveda to strengthen the health system.

Strengths of Ayurved health care systems:

It is a multifactorial medical science or treatment modality.

It provides service with least side effects.

Panchakarma like therapeutic procedures are cost effective along with assurance of least recurrences.

Affordable to all classes.

With almost zero bio-waste.

Need of strong strategy in following aspect for better future and progress of Ayurved health department:

There is need of more research in Life style disorders like Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, hypertension, many cases of infertility, morbid obesity, etc treatment because complete world is expecting, as there is no concrete remedy in other conventional health systems in diseases.

 Also as ayurved is the first who describe those lifestyle disorders (as Astauninditeeyaa in charak sutrasthan21).

There is need of companies which can provide insurance for ayurvedic treatment also (ex.CholamandalAyurved Insurance company), for wide range of diseases. So that the purpose of economical establishment can be achieve.

As the article comes by the news source The Print dated 25th September under the heading: Govt. wants to merge allopath, homeopathy, Ayurveda into one health system, plans 2030 launch. The idea ‘one nation, one health system’ has appeared in Modi’s govt.’s new health and education policies and a committee has been formed to study its implementation, under which patients would get treatment from any medicinal system, depending on what ails them and their current condition.

There was a need to integrate the different forms of treatment.

The govt. is trying to shift the focus away from the ‘pathy’ part of medicine, which means that it should not matter if it is which pathy it is, as long as the treatment. 

Around the world every health care system is struggling with rising costs, despite of efficient, well trained clinicians, well intentioned hard work, efficient health leaders, policy makers etc.

In such circumstances our responsibility to provide best to the society will be increased, so there is need to work on the strengths of Ayurveda, some effective strategies should be implement to increase the acceptance of society and  so that its betterment can be achieved.

It should be taken as a challenge to make it as value based organization. So aim should be faster treatment with satisfactory results and relief of ailments into affordable cost.

Access to care should be improved.

Access to all classes of community should be increased.

There should be increase in volume of services.

There should be established organized practicing units, which is co-ordinate with each other, regular communication should be there along with discussion of different seen cases.

Also there should be regular discussions about failure or success in particular diseases through meet, conferences, seminars, webinars etc.

 Rather than only internal competition with one another, positive unity for same pathy can help. Also can improve the trust, faith of people on this pathy, which will help to improve its reputation.

Following are the positive aspects of Ayurveda by which new protocols, devising of better or more efficient ways to engage patients, including group visits and virtual interactions can be done.

·        Guide and provoke to society about awareness about swasthvritta i.e. maintenance of positive health and divert people towards NATURE and HEALTH.

·        Increase awareness about Immunity, internal strength.

·        Advice about wholesome Diet.

·        Also make realize and literate that every product on the name of Herbal is not Ayurvedic.

·        Diagnosis should be by consideration of whole systemic path-physiology of disease.

·        Use of effective herbal formulation with scientific references and time tasted in  criteria animal trials etc. with accurate potency and least side effects.

These will be the prime strategies for the implementation and propagation of Ayurveda.

So this extract of whole discussion and probable future scope &strategies for preservation  of health. 













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