Be beautiful with Nature!
Shiny,long,black hair is comes under basic measerments of beuty of hair.
If according above parameters if a girl or woman lacking the beuty of hair ,she loose the confidence and that may be the reason of unhappiness or unsatisfaction, so here we are describing few hair and scalp related problems.
Like for healthy crop we need healthy soil same way for good hair growth scalp must be healthy.
Treatement- Triphala( combination of Samalkha I.e.Indian goose berry,Bibhitaki,and haritaki in equal quantity)20ml+Jaggary 5 gm+ water
Apply on scalp before bath for 1/2 hr.
- squiz 5-6 drops of lemon in one bucket of water
- Avoid soup & shampoo, artificial colours; protect from dust, pollution,too much sunlight or heat.Avoid too cold or hot water for hair that we can protect scalp from drying,scaling and ultimately the Dandruff can be restricted.
Also massage scalpi and hair routs by normal warm oil any of coconut,savala,almond,or Nili bhringaraj oil.
In winter avoid coconut oil,which get solidified and pack the hair routs which lacs oxygen and nutrition.
In hot or summer avoid Til tail( sesame oil), to avoid heat ,and hair rout becomes weak.
Rule out for fungal infections of scalp, furunculitirs or psoriasis like problems first,if yes first treate it with respective medicines,if not then go for above treatement which general for Dandruff of any age of patients.
Internal medicine:I) Markav ghan vati2 tab twice a day ii) Bibhitaki Ghana 2 tab twice for one month.
Artificial conditioners should be avoided: For herbal conditioning to hair can use following ingredients: 1/2 bowl of heena+ egg white + 1/2 bowl butter less curd+ 3 drops of Nilgiri( eucalyptus oil)+ 2tsf of Aloe gel or Aloe paste+ 1/2 TSF coffee mix it well. Apply 1/2 hr on the scalp. Wash after 1/2 an hr by water.
After washing the above medicines take 1 TSF of tea powder boiled it with one glass of water squeeze 3-4 drops of lemon. Apply after bath on the hair it gives glossy and shiny hair.
Bifid or splitting hair:
i)Apply oil of coconut+ Markav( Bhringaraj)+Hibiscus and Bramhi to the scalp of hair massage gently.
ii) Give hot fomentation and cold fomentation ( for that cover the head with towell socke in hot water for 10-15 minutes) alternate that do absorption of the scalp.
iii) Then apply Aloe Vera gel.
iv) Apply hair pack of Triphala churna Indrajav churna,Hibiscus gel and wash after 1/2 an hour.
v) set the hair at the end where splitting and Bifid .Cut the hair about 2-3 cm.
Graying or loss of natural lusture of hair:
The sports man especially swimmers always complaint of hair turns brown or loss the natural lusture of hair die to chornation of swimmin tank.
Internal medicine: 1.Markav ghana2 bd for 3 months
2. Tab calcimax or Asthiposhak vati 2 tab for 3 months
3. Application of Nasya of panchendriya vardhan oil 2 drops at bed time.
4. Avoid Shampoo.
5. Kesharanjan tailark with 50 ml of coconut oli.
6. Kesharanjan gutika 4 tab twice a day
7.Nilibhringaraj oil for massage.
8. Black Heena with jasvanda( Hibiscus/ shoe flower oil).
Gray hair:
1.Tiktaksheer Basti i.e. enema of few bitter herbs like guduchi,patol,ativisha cook in milk and then administer through anus as enema, combination of bitter drugs with milk are beneficial for asthi dhatu( bones,skeleton ) and hair is the sub component of bones
2 . Panchendriya vardhan oil for Nasya.
3.Nilibhringaraj oil
4.Markav Ghana
5. Asthiposhak vati
6) calciprol 2 tds
7) Apply the paste of mandoor bhasma with aamalaki juice
Avoid shampoo
Take aamalaki jam at morning.
Avoid chlorine water
Loss of hair or Alopacia areata
It is local hair loss by fungal infections.It tends to total baldness.
1) Apply leech to suck the locally accumulated infected vitiated blood which preventing the hair root nutrition and ultimately hair loss.
2) Indrajav mashi( when Indrajav herb burned completely the remaining ash), kapila churna,Bhimseni karpoor.
3) Aamalaki juice application for hair wash.
Madanphal powder boil with water apply on hair. Lice become unconscious due to application of madanphal.
Karanja oil 50ml+ Bhimseni karpoor350 mg
Krmighna chikitsa is applicable:
Krimudgar rasa tab 2 tab twice
Syp Vidangarishta.
Basti of Karanja oil
Avoid curd,pickel, excessive salt.
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