Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

PHARMACODYNAMICS of VAMAN( Therapeutic emesis)


Panchkarma therapy
occupies an important place in achieving the twin objectives of Ayurveda.Out of five karmas the first one is Vamana karma or biopurafocatory therapeutic emesis. Expulsion of aggrevated or vitiated doshas through mouth is termed as Vamana. During this modern era it is necessary to re-evaluate the mode of action of Vaman karma.

Emetic drugs trigger vomitting by either mechanical, biochemical or neurological stimulation of vomitting center located in medulla oblongata and CTZ and NTS. Vaamak dravyas act due to their ushna,teekshna,vyavayi,vikasi,and agnivaayu panchbhautikatva gunas,   anupravana bhavaa.
Yet urdhva bhagahara prabhavas is said to be the cause for vomitting.
The central regulation of vamana karma
Using vamak and vamanopag dravya is interpreted here for example ' Ghrana yoga' of any vamaka dravya Presumably act by stimulating vomitting center.Few vamaka dravyas cause gastric irritation releasing  5 HT3 and this triggering vomitting by mechanism.

Vamak Dravya karmukatva:
According to Ayurvedic classics vamak dravyas have their actions due to specific gunas or properties present in those.

With vyavayi guna they spread all over the body. 
Sookshma guna allow them to enter and act on every minute unit of the body.
Ushna guna causes vishyandan & pachana of doshas and then dissolves the doshas;
Owing  to the teekshna  gunas vamak dravyas act quickly and cause pachan,chedan and strava of doshas at their own site; vikasi guna seperates  the same doshas from their tissue.
Anupravan bhavas being doshas from shakha to koshtha with the help of snehana and swedan  karmas performed. Finally all doshas are moved in upword direction due to urdhvabhagahar property of vamak dravyas owing to the predominance of vaayu and agni mahabhootas in all vamak.

The mainly used vamaka dravyas( medicinal herbs) are madanphal ,pippali,jimutak,ishvaku,dhamargava,krutavedhan,kutaj etc.(Ref: Charak kalpasthana).

There are certain other drugs are called as vamanopaga Dravyas which synergies the action of vaamak dravya when given along with them.
Emetic drugs produce vomitting by mechanical, biochemical or neurological stimulation of Vomitting center located in medulla oblongata,CTZ ( chemoreceptor trigger zone) and NTS ( Nucleus Tractus Solitarius) directly or indirectly.
The probable pharmacodynamics of vamana karma can be interpreted with some theories laid down in modern pharmacology as follows:
a) The emetic drugs causes irritation of gastric mucosa of upper GIT .The 5 -HT3 released from enterochromaffin cells appear to relay impulses to medulla over visceral afferent pathways on sympathetic nerves and vagus that triggers the vomitting.
b) Emesis is also caused due to mechanical stimulation of fundus and the body of stomach, esophageal sphincter by feedback mechanism due to fullness of stomach causing  esophageal relaxation while duodenum and pyloric stomach contract in retrograde manner.
C) Both CNS and GI tract 5 HT3 receptors participate in process of Vomitting.
5 HT3 receptors are present in high density on afferent vagus nerve and Area prosterma. Enterochromaffin cells in GIT synthesis 5HT which forms major source of circulating 5 HT released by mechanical and vagal stimulation from neuronal endings act locally to regulate the GI motility.
This may be interpreted as the mode of action of Ghreya yoga.
d) The CTZ and NTS express Verity of receptors e.g. Histamin H1, dopamin D2, serotonin 5HT3, cholinargic m , ovoid u, through which emetic signals are relayed.
Any of these could be the probable cause of various herbal emetics.

In this way after stimulation of emesis certain physiological changes take place at upper GIT level. Vomitting starts with salivation and sensation of nausea, reverse peristalsis empties material from upper GIT,muscles of abdominal wall contract.
The  intra abdominal pressure increases,the  lower esophageal sphincter and esophagus relax, epiglottis is closed and gastric contents are ejected.

The similar quotetions are made by Charakacharya while explaining atur pariksha thus showing the dynamics ( mechanical effects of vamana karma) as follows:
After one moohurta ( approximately 1-2 hours) of administration of vamak dravya.
Lalat sweda( perspiration on forehead) indicates Dosha vilayan.
Loma harsha( appearance of goosebumps) indicates that doshas are ready to displace  from koshtha.
Finally when doshas are actually coming out in the form of vomitus symptoms are Hrullas(nausea),asystrava( salivation) and urdhvamukhibhootam( Emesis)
( Refference: Charak sutrastan 15/12)
The scientific study made on effects of vamankarma reveal that mucopolysaccharide i.e. hexosamine content in vomitus could be taken as standard marker of eliminated kapha Dosha ( Refference:as reported by R.H.Singh R .S.Singh 1978) .The concentration of hexosamine is observed to be maximum in kaphavataj prakriti individuals and minimum in kaphapittaj prakriti individuals.Similarlly value of total proteins and glucose contents of vomitus were studied.Also  Blood histamine levels are found to be reduced, positive changes are found in the Mast cell stabilizing effects and also in hyperlipidemias.
In this way,Vamana karma  helps in maintain the normal homeostasis of body.But there is still a long way to study the active effects of vamana karma on different biomarkers in the body.

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