Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Thining of hair a burning problem in youngsters

Remedies for health of Hair in Ayurved 

Causes of Thinning of hair:
Hair loss can be genetic as well as illness

When most people begin to loose hair,they notice it thinning from.the front. Hair thinning from the hairline can be sign of several forms of alopecia ,caused by anything from traction to genetics .
Thinning hair in women may cause embarrassment and dissatisfaction with physical appearance.The causes of hair loss in woman include genetic predisposition, hormonal changes , personal behaviours and certain medical conditions. Some of the causes  of thinning hair can be treated with medications or hair regrowth products ,while other causes may resolve over a period of time or may be due to harmonal imbalance ,stress,scalp injuries or infections .Hair loss regardless of the cause comes under the umbrella of conditions called alopecia areata,or patchy hair loss .In some causes hair loss can be progressive,causing rapid bald.

Excessive brushing or combing, tightly pulled hairstyles and chemical treatements include perms,relaxers and colouring can weaken the shaft of the hair and cause breakage and overall thinning of the hair .

Wearing hairstyles that are too tight such as braided extensions,cornrows and tight updos can cause traction of scalp.This tractor causes the hair to pull away from the scalp and out of the hair follicles ,which results in hair loss , especially around the hairline.

Stress and illness
Rapid hair loss from stress or illness recovery is called telogen effluvium.
Hair has certain follicles in active  growing stage and some are telogen( resting phase). According to the American hair loss association, anywhere between 80-90% of hair are usually in growing phase,with arround 10-20% in resting phase. Telogen effluvium causes an abnormal amount of hair toenyrr into resting phase,causing rapid hair thinning and hair loss.
Women with telogen effluvium may have hair loss all over or in only one area of scalp.Telogen effluvium is a condition caused by emotional or physical stress that changes the hair growth cycle and causes hair to fall out over a period of severy months.

Hair that thins with increasing age may be a result bof genetic factor such as female pattern baldness,which cause hair to weaken and fall out.

Hormonal Imbalances
Harmonal Imbalances from conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome,thyroid conditions and menopause can causes hair to start thinning out more notably around the hairline.These hairs are controlled by androgens ( Male hormone) and are more susceptible to thinning After delivery a baby,sudden drops in hormones levels can result in changes of hair growth cycles, causing more hair to fall out than is typical for few months after birth.
Fungal Infections
Fungal infections of the scalp may cause the hair to come out in patches( Alopecia areata).
The most common scalp infection is called tinea capitis or scalp ringworm.This is a mold - like fungus that prefers warm ,moist areas ,so it is more likely to appear in people with minor skin or scalp allereies,poor hygiene or wet skin( from perspiration). This infection is contagious .You  can catch it from wearing an infected hat,use of infected combs and touching items that have been contaminated. Symptoms are areas of patchy baldness on the scalp,itchy scalp,lesions on the scalp and small black dots on the scalp.
Ringworm is a fungal infection that can infect the scalp and cause patchy hair loss or thinning of the hair.

Medication side effects
Medicines used in chemotherapy will often cause hair to fall out in patches or clumps.
The reason the hair fall out is because chemotherapy is meant to destroy fast growing cells,the hair has fast growing cells and is therefore destroyed. This hair loss is not permenent  and as long as the hair follicles are not scarred or damaged in the growing phase,full regrowth is expected. Hair loss may start soon after chemotherapy( days or weeks) and will continue for as long as the person is under chemotherapy.
Radiation therapy may also cause the same effect.
Medication such as birth control pills and drugs for high blood pressure , depression and arthritis may cause thinning of the hair.

Nutritional Deficiencies
Anemia is a deficiency of Iron in the blood which may result in hair loss or thinning of the hair and can be caused by excessive menstrual bleeding.

Other Medical cause
Medical conditions also cause female pattern hair loss. Polycystic ovary syndrome, autoimmune disorders,Alopacia areata or thyroid disorders and Anemia are examples.  A condition called telogen effluvium can cause hair loss after childbirth ,crash dieting, surgery or trauma.

Chemical relaxers left on the hair beyond the time allotted can result in hair loss all over the scaly. Since the hair in the front of the scalp is thinner, leaving it on for too long may result in hair bliss in this area.
Most cases of balding can be treaty and hair re- growth is possible, unless the scalp is damaged.
Self inflicted hair loss
One cause of rapid hair loss in fale is trichotillomania.This condition cause people  to pull out their bown hair .This can be out of nervousness,stress,habit( such as twirling the hair around your finger) or as a symptomof psychological condition. People with trichotillomania tend to have hair loss in certain areas of scalp,first starting off as hair thinning and then progressing to baldness as the follicles become damaged from constant pulli( friction).

Natural treatment
Add 6-8 drops of lemon juice to an egg. Beat well and apply on your hair followed by washing  with a herbal shampoo.
Use a very mild shampoo and conditioner to  your hait at least twice a week. Make sure to rinse out the conditioner thoroughly.
Amla,shikekai powder mixed with curd is a good conditioner .
Massaging with aroma oil on eva week reduces hair fall and makes them soft and silky.
Rosemary oil and Nilibhringaraj oil can be used.

Mix curd ,lemon and mustard oil , apply gently on hair and wash your head after about half an hour.
Add few leaves of Hibiscus ( china rose) to a glass of water .Heat it .The juice of a lime should be squeezed in the sieved mixture and it should be applied to the hair before shampooing.
Take Amla( 100 gm)
, Shikekai 100 g m.soak in water in iron utensil overnight. Blend and make a paste. Apply well into the scalp. Keep it for 1-2 hours and wash it off with warm water.
The oil from the Amla prepared by boiling dry pieces of Amla in coconut oil,it is a hair tonic for enriching hair growth and prevent hair loss.
Use laevender or lemon shampoo if your hair are oily and if dry,use Nilibhringaraj oil or herbal based shampoo by proper diluting in water,don't apply as it is on scalp.
Rinse hair with lemon juice or vinegar.
Soak a towel in hot water and squeeze lightly. Cover your hair with this for 10 mins and to dry this for almost a week.
Squeezes lemon can be soaked overnight and the water can be used for hair wash.
Dry peels of lemon and oranges should be used. This will maintain soft and silky hair and also removed dandruff from the scalp.
Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have high protein diet with plenty of fruits , vegetables and dairy products.
Two TSF Fenugreek ( methi) seeds soaked overnight in water .The softened seeds should be grounded into a fine paste in the morning and applied over the scalp and left an hour and then washed thoroughly .This is highly affective to remove dandruff.

Mustured oil boiled with heena ( mehendi) leaves is useful for the healthy growth of hair..

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