Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Treat Insomnia by Ayurveda

For Betterment of Sleep!
Tired of sleepless nights?
Several tries unable to give you sound sleep? 
Why don't you go for Ayurveda help?
Health is based on three basic factors those are Diet( food), sleep and Bramhacharya (celibacy).These three are the main supporting beams or pillars which are  balancing  the health system.
As described in Ayurved classics,
among these SLEEP have  a very  special importance in betterment of health. 

Normal sleep is necessary for the normal functioning of body. Happiness misery nourishment and emanciation, strength & weakness, fertility, Infertility, knowledge, ignorance, life , death everything depends upon proper and improper sleep. 
Insomnia causes roughness,dryness in the body.

The Concept of Nidra I. e. Sleep elaborated  thoroughly by anscient classics knowledge .
Charaka described 6 types of Nidra
1)Tamobhava ( Sleep due to tamas guna in the body)
2) Shleshmasamudbhava( when kapha/ mucus increased in the body it leads to extra coldness, heaviness,loss of enthusiasm and resulted into sleepy feeling or sleep induction occurs)
3)Manahashareershramasambhava(i.e. sleep originated due to tiredness of mind and body due to any work)
4)Agantuki - cause of sleep other than any of the own physical reasone,that may be seasonal impact on body, atmospheric changes etc.
5)Vyadhinuvartini that is patient fall in sleep due to any acute or chronic diseases  or any medical condition.
6)Ratriswabhavjanya( Bhutadhatri)- A normal sleep  everyone experience at night 
Aacharya Sushrut also described three types of Nidra named as Vaishnavi,Vaikariki and Tamasi.

Jagrita, Swapana, and Sushupti  are the stages explained which are comparable to the stages described in modern  studies about sleep.
Pattern of sleep assessed by observing the activity of brain throgh Electroencephalogram EEG. The weakfullness and stages of sleep have a specific EEG  pattern is evaluated by modern technologies.
The weakfullness is associated with Beta and Gama wave  frequencies  in EEG pattern which depends on pleasurable or painful stressors of surrounding enviournment. 
Stage 1  non rapid eye movements ( NREM) .At a higher stages of NREM  & REM , there is brain wave frequencies in EEG  pattern gradually decreased & the person falls in sleep that  can conclude by studing the pattern that frequencies of sleep waves are low in weakfullness.

Sleep management of body:
The physiology of sleep controlled by hypothalamus and the suprachaismatic nucleus( SCN) in the brain , which regulates mechanism of homeostatic & circadian rhythm respectively of the body.

In modern studies on Sleep generation and regulation explained that the external environment or seasonal changes shows deep effect on individual's sleep pattern which is match with the discription found in our anscient ayurved concepts.

As per rescent inventions tempreture of body & secretions of melatonin hormone levels  are significantly higher in the months of summer may be due to long time exposure to sunlight. In that day time  sleep is benificial also early  go to bed and early wake up should be the pattern to complete the sleep.

sunlight exposure  in the morning hrs may affect internal biological clock. The most important function sleep plays is restoration and recovery of system of body. Energy conservation, memory consolidation, protection from predation, brain development and discharge of emotions. 

Rescent conventional studdies suggest that a good sound sleep plays an important role in the regulation of neuro endocrine , hormonal & metabolic function in the body. With fast growing and devloping progressive modern era ,the duration and quality of sleep is gradually hampered due  to the affliction of modernization in many ways. At present adults and children are progressively reduce the bed times and increase times of other activities, which affects the metabolic functions in various ways. The lifestyle disordrs like obesity, emanciation, metabolic syndromes are the gift of the modernization to the soscity and outcome of this is  sleep lessness. 
Studies evaluated that long term sleep time hampering I. e. prolong or decrease the time of sleep shows adverse 
effects on overall health, provoke the deposition of fat which leads to weight gain and ultimately results in excess obesity . Long term such  cut of sleep practing in adults causes metabolic and endocrinal disfunctions like type 2 Diabeties,insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, elevated sympathovagal activity etc. 

Nidranash& Anidra (Insomnia & sleep less ness):
Sleeplessness or Anidra may be the temprory symptom of any current situation , or status of body for few hours, or few days it may present ,temprory remedies can relieve the symptom,even many times without medication, councelling, stress relieving activities can also help to induce sleep .
But when the sleep less ness is prolonged for long time then it converted in to Insomnia, which may be habitual to the patient... the futher serious complications are  start appearing which needs medical attention.
Long term Insomnia lead to develop dementia, lack of concentration, & increases the risk of cardio vascular fatal incidances along with increases the risk of chances of road side accidents. Many domestic violence cases also the outcome of stress, strain insomnia, behavioural changes spoil the performances in family and soscity. Which starts vicious cycle of depression , frustration and insomnia.
Improper sleep has a harmful impart on carbohydrate metabolism & endocrine function, by reduction of metabolic activity in the brain with prolonging lack of sleep. The effects are similar to those  seen in normal aging  therefore sleep debt may increase the severity of age related chronic disorder. Lack of sleep for prolonged period has been shown to affect  cognitive functions of people involved in versatile activities along with interfering in mood & emotions. This is one of reason to increase the tendency to fear, depression & rage in the peopple having a deficiency in sleep. The mechanism and effects of sleep deficit are still evolving in the pathophysiology of sleep deficit. 
Ayurveda classified Nidra based on the mode of origin while modern  classification of sleep based on physiological variations . Some factors like food , activities, external stimuli affects the sleep or Nidra.
Ayurveda classics recommend Verity of remedies for Insomnia, loss of sleep, anxiety, like nervous system related disorders. Many herbal drugs like Bramhi( Bacopa moneria),Jatamansi( Nordystchis Jatamansi),Vacha(Acorus calamus) etc. are  recommonded for Insomnia.
In the form of formulations ,in group or as a single  drug formulations these drugs can be administered.
Abhyanga i.e. massage to the complete body up to its absorption in the body.
Padabhyanga- Foot Massage
Utsadan- Massge to the body thoroughly with desirable ,cold pastes,
Take a bath
Samvahan- Masssage to the body to feel soothing and fresh.
Lepa- Painting of  pastes made up of herbal or rice like ingredients.
Sukha shsiyya- Soft, desirable bed provision so that sleep will be sound without interrupting.
Netra tarpan- dipping of both eyes in tonics or medicines made up of herbs cooked in ghee which nourishing and gives feel of fresh and soothaning .
Shiroabhyanga- Head masssage by oils cooked with herbs like Bramhi, Jyotishmati, Vacha .
Shirodhara: It's a panchkarma procedure highly recommend for Insomnia causes due to any of the reasons.
A continuous stream of luke warm oil ( medicated oil of Bramhi etc) is administer exactly mid point of the forehead, and on the scalp for 30 -60 mins for 7 or 15 or 30 days. According to chronicity  and severity of compaints duration of treatement varies.
In CNS related disorders it is believed that there is Vata and pitta vitiation happened which pecifies by Shirodhara.Also it stimulate the Adnyachakra situated at brain center which govern the body is the belief of yogic system.
In any type of dementia, frustration, stress,strain, enxiety, loss of sleep, headach  in adults as well as studants having strain of studies,in patients after recovery of long term medications etc  like Conditions it is advices.
Shirovasti : 
This is also a panchakarma procedure in which a highted cap is put on the head in sitting position, medicated luke warm oil is pour in that and keep as it is for approximately 1/2 an hr.,or more than that as per recommend in condition So that oil get absorbed in the system relieves vata and induce sleep. Calm and cool , fresh feeling patients experience after few sittings.

In food, Buffelow milk is recommended at night before going to bed for  sleep .
Meatsoup, beverages also recommonde to induce sleep.

For more search read my another posts:

Lifestyle disordrs: Emanciation
Lifestyle disordrs: obesity
Practical guidelines for Concept of health in today's  society
Ayurveda a Treasure for preservation of health
Update your health with Ayurveda
Boost your immunity by Rejuvanate  under ayurved guidelines
Preserve health prevent diseases with Ayurveda
Achieve Healthy future of  soscity with Ayurveda
Secrets of Healthy and glowing  skin & factors which affects it
Preserve your God gifted Beuty with Ayurveda
Hyperrpigmentation: Ayurvedic perspectives
Thinning of hair: A burning problem in youngster
Shiny long hair with Ayurved treatement
What is Ayu
Ayurveda & Concept of life
Origin of Universe 
Introduction of pioneer of the Indian surgery

Absorption of colon with respect to Basti
Technical aspects of PANCHKARMA


Anonymous said…
Outstanding writing,keep it up��

Ayurved:A Key of Health

Thining of hair a burning problem in youngsters

Shiny ,long hair with Ayurved treatement

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