Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Origin of Universe

             Principles of Ayurveda 

Ayurved & origin of the Universe:
Ayurved is considered eternal, as its basic principles of creation of universe. This eternal science is believed to be recollected by Lord Brahma, the proginator of the world. He is presumed to be the primary source of all knowledge and his literature work in Ayurveda known as 'Bramha samhita', consisting of one lack shlokas in thousand chapters, is unavailable today. 

Lord Brahma, after recollecting this life science taught it to his son, Prajapati Daksha  who was  taught the same to the Ashwini Kumar as those are son of Sun I. e. Suryaputra, the talented physicians and efficient surgeons of the Kingdom of Lord Indra, said to be celestial abode of Gods and Godessess. They were known to be successful in treating complecations of aliments such as blindness,sterlity,lameness,skin disorders etc.and conducting surgeries such as organ transplants and fixing up prosthetic limbs. They were  also believed to have learned "Bramha vaidya"  from saint Dadhichi.
Ashwini Kumar taught Ayurveda  to lord Indra ,the further heirarchy  of Ayurvedic doctrinaires carries according to different Ayurvedic texts. According to the surgical school of Sushrut Samhit, Lord Dhanwantari learned it to from  Indra and he taught it to Divodas who in termed  preached the same along Aupadhenav ,vaitaran,Aurabhra,Paushkalavat,Karavirya,Gopurakshita sushrut etc.
According to medical school of Charaka, Maharshi Bharadwaj learned the same from Indra who imparted it to  Agnivesh,Bhela,Jatukarna,Parashara,Harita and ksharpani.The heirarchy mentioned in  Kashyap samhita still varies according to Which which Indra taught Ayurveda to Kashyap ,vasishtha,Atreya and Bhrugu.
All these sholars preached the same among their disciples and composed their own literary works.Whereas Sushrut laid emphasis on shalya tantra( surgery) and charak on kayachiktsa(General medicine),Kasyapa propounded kaumarbhritya ( Pediatrics).

There is an school of thought that the origin of Universe as postulated in Sankhya darshan and subsequently by Sushrut may be read in this background and that Avyakta ( Unmanifested), Mahan (Prime intelligenc) Ahankara(Ego), Panchatanmatras( Five sensory quanta),Atma / Atman( soul/ self), Panchmahabhutas ( Five elements) etc.  are encoded in a popular rhetoric here. The contention of Max Planck,the Father of Quantum Theory which opined:I regard consciousness as fundamental and' I regard matter as derivative from consciousness'( The Observer 25.01.1931) is important in the 21st century's understanding of genesis of mattter consisting of Panchmahabhutas from  Ahankara which itself is derived from avyakta.The very famous quote of consisting  of Panchmahabhutas  from Ahankara which itself has derived the position and momentum ( velocity) of a small moving particle with absolute certainty ( uncertainty Principle) also indirectly holds that the mind ( manas) also has a place in the happenings. Although Bell's Theorem of hidden variables & inequality ( 1964 paper titled ' on the Einstein Podosky Rosen Paradox) suggest that no particle travels faster than light , We are aware that mind does travels faster than light.This also highlights the Indian philosophical Concept of considering manas as a dravya( matter) and it's involvement in the Origin of Universe.

All these suggest that the emerging international concepts regarding matter from 20 th century onwards is at par with those described in the classics of Ayurveda and of Indian Philosophy during the early B.C.'s.

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