Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Secrets of Healthy and glowing Skin and factors which affects it:

Nourish your skin with etarnal Ayurved treatement!
Healthy skin is the reflection of healthy body, which based on saptadhatus I.Rasa,Rakta,Mansa,Meda,Asthi,Majja and Shukra.These 7 dhatus or eliments or tissues in the body built up our body.If all in right proportion, fullfill all the attributes of defination of health automatically it reflects on complexion in form of glowon the skin.In fact glowing , healthy skin is the mirror of the overall health on an individual.

Among these 7 dhatus Rasa and Rakta represents lymph,plasma and blood which are responsible for the skin disorder because of there abnormal appearance so Rasadhatu Shuddhi and Raktadhatushuddhi  or purity is most important for a healthy skin.Pitta,vata are the main doshas which vitiated Rasa and Rakta dhatu,they creates impurity and leads to verity of skin problems.

In Ayurveda all the skin disorders are classified under the category y 'Kshudra-Rog'.
Kshudra is the Sanskrit synonym for Tyajya or which are unwholesome,sinful or not acceptable even for treatement or it may be mean that very subtle and difficult to cure.
Skin diseases are curable by Ayurveda. we must treate the 'Hetu' or pathological reason behind it.Should be go upto the root cause , which may be systemic and skin problems is one of the sympotom,so when we correct the systemic complaints,skin disorders may resolve itself.
Treatement is based on Nidan( diagnosis),awastha of tridosas,dhatu and mala.When samprapti / pathophysiology is confirmed which makes treatement easy.
PSORIASIS: Psoriasis  is one of the skin which is very difficult to cure because of its recurranceing tendency. 
Mainly there is the maturation cycle of skin layers get altered. Or rate of skin deading get reduced. Many times it  may be  due to autoimmune mechanism. It may be the result of depression,loss of mental equilibrium or distubed mind.Fear,, worries may be the main reasos behind it.
In Ayurveda it  can be compared with Kitinbh kushtha.
Symptoms:Itching all over body.Skin become dry, silver scales( auspitz sign),patches all over the body,joint pain.
There are three types-i)scalp- skin  become dry. scalles are removing,circular patches occurs.Itching ,hair loss,loss of sweat.
ii) the patches are mainly on palmer and planter aspects.
iii) Itching and irruption on joint.
Dosh dushti- Vata,Pitta, and kapha dushti-.
Dhatu dushti- Rasadhatu,Raktadhatu,Medadhatu Asthin,and majja dhatu dushti.
Mala- Sweda dushti.
Medication-1)Raktamokshan( vitiated blood letting).
Follwed by internal unction / snehan by administering Mahatiktakghrit  for 3 days. Sudation (Swedan) by Ananta+ Manjishtha+Triphala+Gomutra+ Dashamula.
*Local Application: Dhattur patasdi oil.
Raktamokshan by scalp vein 50cc monthly 5-6 times .
* Patients should be full of stomach or consume some sweets before start blood letting.* Hemoglobin of patient should be normal.
* Avoid soup,shampoo.
* Apply Arishtak churna( Ritha powder) and Gomutra arka for cleaning purpose.for too much itching can apply Aloevera gel.
For dandruff apply triphala decoction and Jiggery .when the scales removed blackish patche are remain applay 777Oil or psoralin oil.
Treatement for Rasadhstu
Tab Manjishtha 2tab twice a day,
Tab khadir2tsb twice a day,
Mahamanjishthadi decoction 2aTsf twice,
Gomutraark 2-3 TSF once a day.
Also should do some ashwasan chikitsa, councelling plays greate role,in the treatement of psoriasis.For mind stability pranayaam can give good results.
Dry eczema  is mostly allergic type.It related to Asthma also. It is quite difficult to cure compared to wet eczema.
Dry Eczema: Olieation / unction is important.internal  unction by Mahatiktak ghrit if related to Asthma then by Vasa ghrit three days.
Blood letting by leeches or locally with scalp vein can do.
Apply castor oil locally .put the affected parts hand or legs in triphala decoction- Dhavan chikitsa.Scrub it by scrubber properly so that dead skin get removed .Parijatak or shak patra can be a good scrubber.
Oil of coconut nut shell also gives good results.
Ragi Ash( By burning Ragi/ Nachani) apply with coconut oil.
Internal medicine: tab Chandraprabha 2twice or thrice a daym
Tab arogyavardhini 2tab twice a day.
Tab Laghusutshekhar 2 tras.
If H/o Ashthama then shwaskuthar ras 1 tds.
WET ECZEMA: 1)Oozing is severe
2)All signs of inflammation  may present in patients.3) Abscess also present .4) Severe pain.
Medication: 1) Avoid salt in diet.2) advice glass of Raddish juice at morning.
3)Blood letting locally.4)Tab sukshmabtriphala 2 tds.5) Gandhak rasayan 2tab tds.6) Raktadhodhak vati 1tds.7) syp khadirarishta + syp Mahama nishtha di decoution  2-3 TSF tds..

It is always occurs in winter and summer season.In some patient it may develop generally to sole and palms.Many times patients complaint bleeding and pain while walking.It becomes dry and hard.
Dosh Dishti- Vat++,pitta,++
Dhatu dushti- Rasa dhatu dushti,Rakta dhatu dushti.
Advantages:1) Apply castor oil all over the planter aspect of foot,palmer aspect of hand.
2) Sink the legs in soup or mild shampoo diluted in luke warm water,so thathard heals become softer and dry skin,dust can easily remove..by rubbing it by scrubber.
Then apply kotaril ointment or shatadhauta ghrita.
Foot care cream of Himalaya.
Advice use socks,shoes daily.
Medication: 1) Phalatrikadi vati 2,tab twice
Tab  Shwadanshtradi 1 Bid.
Syp Paripathadi 2-3tsf with luke warm water.
Patient always complaint of muscular pain,bachache,or pain and burning sensation related to the lesion .Pain may be severe and untouchable ,burning pain,redness,pustular irruption may appear as a typical manner .
It affects up to Nerve roots thatswhy it's so painful.
Dosh dushti- Vat++,pitta++,Rakta dhatu++,Majja dhatu++
Medication- Mahadudarshan decoction with Paripathadi kadha; Bhumyamalaki vati 2tds,Tab sutshekhar ras2tds,Tab Ekangveer ras  2bd for analgesia.
Locally -Application of Dashang lep,Shatadhauta ghrita,jatyadi ghrita.
Panchakarma: Local blood letting by leeches.Unction by Mahatiktak ghrit.

WARTS are highly infectious.The hard masses rises on the body.It may appear due to vitlral infection.If we trybto remove it ,it may grown or spread fast.In modern ,they advice cautery at the root b under local anaesthesia.
In Ayurveda described as Kilaka, due to mansadhatu  dushti.
Many times patient gives the history of Non vegetarian diet habits .
Dosh dushti--vat,pitta
Dhatu dushti- Ras,Rakta,Mamsa,.
Chitrakadi kashaya; chitrak lep; Syp Purizest. 2-,3tsf twice a day.
Wartosin  ontment can be use for small and the warts not arround eyes or face .It's a type of chemical cautery.
It is movable fat lump under the skin.
It is not painful,but it disturb psychologically to the patient.It described in Ayurveda as 'Apachi'..
The people who were doing heavy exercise and suddenly stop exercises this may be affects the Agni of Medodhatu.
The sports man who are resetting and stopped the exercise they may   have tendency of Lypoma.
Dosh dushti-Vat pitta Mamsa,meda.
Dhatu dushti- Ras,Rakta,Mamsa,meda
Medication-1) Gorakhmundi gives good results in Apachi,it corrects and stimulate the Agni of medo dhatu.
T/t- tab shigri 2bd,Chitrak ghan vati 3bd..
Application of shigri sal+ Chitrak ghan.
Internal ly Tab triphala guggulu 2 tds.
Medaopachak guggulu 2 tds.
Arogyavardhini vati 2 tds.
Advice: Avoid Non veg.
Advice jeerak with honey at empty 1-1tsf stomach  at morning and at evening at bed time.It may be helpful.
Hyperpigmentation ( vyanga)
During menopause or after delivery the progesterone hormonal level disturbed.The first effect can be seen on face,cheeks,nose,forehead,brownish black butterfly patches appears on face. According to Ayurveda it is because of severe vataprakop and Raktadhatu dushti.These becomes darker in exposure bro sunlight .Also skin becomes dry.
Internal medication - Sativa+ Manjishtha vati 2 tab twice a day.

Sun allergy or sun burns
It occurs mainly on that parts of the body which exposed to sun rays more .
That is the bar effect of ultra violet rays on the consistently exposed skin ,may be face ,neck,hands or legs.
The malanogen secrets more and skin complexion become darker.
Medication: Amalki+ Chandan+ pinch of Bhimseni karpoor.Apply it on affected area.
Cucumber gel / Shatadhauta ghrita before going into sunlight.
Sunscreen  lotions of good SPF ( 10-15) should be used before expose to sunlight.
Panchakarma : Snehan by panchatikta ghrita, Raktamokshan chikitsa 50 cc by scalp vein.

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