Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Preserve health Prevent diseases with Ayurveda!

Immunity in perspective of Ayurved:

"Swasthya Rakshanam Aturasya vikar Prashamanam cha" is the Logo also the prime motto  of Ayurveda.In Ayurveda prevention of any disease or be diseases free is basic factor of Ayurved ,curing the disease get 2nd placed.

On the basis of that prevention of diseases also to avoid it's recurrence we have to coorect the health of society with the help of modern tools and equipments good health of individual physically and mentally by that we can achieve healthy community ,genetics , generations etc.

In Ayurveda classics in 11 th adhyay(chapter) of Charak samhita s(1) Trividh balas are described those are Sahaj( which is present in body  since birth or naturally).,kalakrit bala according to the seasonal variations and age of the person and Yuktikrit or acquired strength is based on the combination of the ditetics and the other regimens followed by individuals.
To restore these balas ayurved described various means, methods and remedies in whole classics.
Ayurveda describe complete chapter named as ' Anagat badha pratishedh' adhyay (2)
about Dinacharya(daily regimen),ritucharya( seasonal regimen).
Anagatnadha itself word suggests prevention of partially or not manifested diseases. Those diseases which may be communicable or non communicable or lifestyle related.This prevention can be achieved  by following Dinacharya and Ritucharya.
Also in 5th and 6th chapter of Charak samhita named as Matrashitiya  and Tasyashiteya adhyay describes seasonal regimen of diet and lifestyle for prevention of health.The year is divided into seasons based upon the changes in enviourmental condition, temperature,day - night cycle and circadian rhythm.

Being an integral unit of the nature,these seasonal changes in nature affect human physiology too. Therefore,one must follow the specific regimen for maintaining the equilibrium of body components in harmony with nature.  The seasonal regimen is designed on the basis of changes in the dosha,bala( strength) and agni( digestive power).

Prevention of Adharneeya vegas 
I.e. non suppresible urged, suppression of natured urge which may be end up with acute and chronic  diseases, natural urges are viz,urge of flatus, faeces,urine, yawning,tears, erection, vomitting,hunger,thirst,dysopnea,sleep.

Agnivichar- sensible attitude toward  digestive fire.(3)
Bramhacharya- A state of continence and chastity abstaining from sexual relations and experience or Avoidance of sexual act physically, mentally and verbally all ways under any circumstances ,control over genital organs which leads to pleasant mind and helpful to attain knowledge about Bramha( The supreme God) .It restores vigour,inner strength and ooja ( prime extract part of all the dhatus, which promotes immunity and vitality and automatically longevity.(4)

Personal cleanliness ( shuchitva), enviourmental health prevention is discribes in a text' Janapadodhvansa'(5).It is made up of two words janapad and dhvansa,janapad refers to group of people leaving in specific location, community and udhwansa refers to destruction. Janapad dhvansa refers to the factors which  destroys  the health of the people living in a specific area due to pollution of Vayu( air),Jala( water), Bhumi ( soil) and time( Kala).

In seperate chapter viman sthan in Charak samhita describes causes of enviourmental calamities leading to annihilation of communities ( non limited to epidemics),along with their remedial measures .The queries and solutions about  effects of afflictions caused due to such calamities on individuals whose constitution, immunity, lifestyle adaptation are 'different'.
 Combination of factors like vayu( air),udaka( water), desh (land) & kala ( season) results in outbreaks .
One had to get hold of drugs that are potent in.all aspects ( rasa ,guna,viry,vipaka)  i.e.the storage of effective with good quality and potency drug should be there well before any out break.
As per ayurveda sins of the prey life or the misdeeds of the past life are the root cause of the vitiation of these four etiological factor of epidemics. Negative emotions like greed,anger, ego, mutual fight ,and curses of the wise and learned can design your own site (?)
In modern era the prevention of condition like  Janapadodhvansa' can be achieved by less use of pesticides fertilizers for cropping,also  by preventing the pollution of water sources,by stopping forest cutting.By stopping use of plastic, unnecessary over use of gazzets,Air conditioner, refrigerator which excrete or expell.out harmful hazardous gases which damages even to the blanket of ozone around the earth. Due to global warming melting of Icelands results in flood to the rivers,or  in too increase in temperature on resulting to fire to the big forests.
These all are natural calamities  happen dui to misdeeds of Human beings.

Thease preventative factors are elaborately described in Ayurveda.  by preventing these factors we can break the vicious cycle  of natural calamities which  disturbed nature's balance, which may further leads to epidemic or pestilence.

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Ayurved:A Key of Health

Thining of hair a burning problem in youngsters

Shiny ,long hair with Ayurved treatement

PHARMACODYNAMICS of VAMAN( Therapeutic emesis)