Pharmacodynamics of VIRECHAN
The virya of drugs initially reach the heat band spread all over the body .Due to sukshma and vyavayi property they reach macro and micro channels.
By ushna and tikshna gunas they break and liquified the complexes of doshas.
By its vikasi gunas it detached the malas from dhatu ,drava Rupa mala will reach to Pakvasaya,due to adhobhagahar property. Mucosa and having predominance of aap,prithvi mahabhut doshas are thrown inthe downward directions and expel through anus.
Probable pharmacodynamics in modern view:
VIRECHANA dravyas produces bowel evacuation by neural control and functional movements.
1.As pitta prakopak drugs act on gall bladder that leads to drain bile into duodenum and by that bile salts enhance peristalsis and causes laxation.
2. As purishjanak ( which forms feaces) natural polysaccharides and cellulose derivatives increases the content of bowels, which softens the faeces facilities colonic transit.
3. Drug on gut mucosa ,by that various enteric peptides are released which causes smooth muscles contraction ,peptides are either simultaneously or inhibitory in function.
Excitatory - Acetylcholine,5HT
Inhibitory-VIP, noradrenaline
4. Drug act on intestine - stimulate myenteric plexus which increases the activity of gut.
5. Increasing propulsive activity as primary action and allowing less time for absorption of water as a secondary effect.
6.Enhancing PG synthesis in mucosa which increases secretion.
In case of
Anuloman- The drug will do malapaka and removes viband of malas,expel them downwards by restoring normal peristalsis ,it's action is like that of carmenatives where drug promote expulsion of gases from gut.
In case of
Sramsana - the malas which remain attached to the koshtha will be expelled out and act on downwards without paka by increased peristalsis .
It's secretion like that of drastic purgation where drug act on intestine further stimulate myenteric plexus which increases peristalsis and then propulsive power is increased by which expels numerous , copious semi liquid stool with pain and tenesmus.
Bhedan- The Ghana sanchit and bhedanamalas ( solidified accumulated stool) get break and will be expelled downwards by increased peristaltic secretion .It's action is like that of characteristics where drug stimulate motor activity by that peristalsis is increases and secretory activity of mucosal cells is also increased and then it causes breakdown of Ghana sanchit ,bandha,malas and expulsion of more stool.
Rechan-The pakwa and apakwa malas or doshas will be expelled downwords in liquid form by increased peristalsis and retaining propulsive activity as primary action nand allowing less time for absorption of water .e.g.Castor oil,picorrhiza curo.
Conclusion: Action of VIRECHANA karma is occur due to enhanced secretion and increase peristalsis by adhobhagahar prabhava.
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