Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Updated Ayurveda

Update your health with Ayurveda!

Ayurveda ranges all the systems of medicine,this is treasure of knowledg and information about health and health related enviourmental factors. It's a noble science.It give waste,deep, accurate ,exclusive  informative components of health.

The science can provide a revised  and updated model of health care system by doing modification  according to need of time.
Modern medical systems achives great acceptance and faith with the help of science and advanced technology but because of only ,symptomaticl limited  drugs system, due to ample side effects, people again diverted to search new options. Other contemporary sciences have postulations, assumptions,positology but Ayurveda provide versatile and itself a fullfiled science.
For a ideal model of health care,some technical changes are suggesting:

  • With the help of modern technology like C.T.,MRI,USG, Blood investigations etc. by doing correct diagnosis further management  on the basis of ayurved literature fundamentals like Tridosas, Saptadhatus,Malas, Prakriti,vikriti parikshan,srotas ( channels) physicians should be trained to do thinking process in that view also,rather than considering the symptomatology only.
  • While taking the history of patients should consider dosh dhatu Prakriti vichar which surely helps for easier and more accurate diagnosis. Along with Shaman chikitsa consider about samshodhan internal purification by Panchkarmas can avoid  recurrence of diseases because of removal of root cause.
  • Should advice to give importance early to go bed and wake up at " Bramha muhurta" this should be implemented in regimen .Bramha muhurta means the time between 4 th ghatica and 2nd ghatika before sunrise  or 48 minut relevant times of aspascious period of sunrise or 48 minut before sunrise,this relevant time for thinking Bramha( supreme God) or to study ,this will correctly set your circadian time table or the clock of body which is situated in thalamus of brain. This can be prevent many digestive , endocrinological problems ,also can correct insomnia,by that can be get rid  from Depression, frustration and udyojakta( motivativ,inspiring thoughts) can be  provoked.
  • Should give spescial wattage to yogasana, pranayam, meditation exercise while treating any sort of diseases, which will help to increase physical as well as mental strength patience also sustaining power, will boost moral to fight against any chronic or cruscial diseases.
  • Should promote to consume good and healthy food and prevent from stored unhealthy junk food stuff.
  •  For that doctor should guide thorough knowledge about Aharvidhi vishesh Aayatan i.e. basic factor to be considered while preparing and consuming diet ,the eight such factors are: Prakriti ( nature), Karan( processing), samyog( combination),Ras( amount),Desa( region),Kaal( time) and season, upayogsamstha ( rules for consumption) , upayokta ( consumer).
This can a avoid many lifestyle disorders like obesity, Hypertension, stroke, Diabetes,colon depression, osteoporosis,IBS .etc
Ahar ( any substance  which is masticated and swallowed for the purpose of Nutrition and energy includes notable, chewable,likable,Aharmatra ( optimal quantity of food consumed by healthy individuals, can't be generalized differs from person to person,time to time).
Amatravat aahar- Taking inappropriate quantity of food that may be deficient or excessive .Food in less quantity may cause  loss of strength, complexion, development unsaturation, flatulence or pain in heart,harm the life span, vitiaty, fainting; due to excessive food may cause obesity , diabetis like other life style disorders.
Aharshakti- Power of assimilation
Abhyavaharan shakti i.e. quantity of food which does not disturbed the physiological functions of the body.
Samhanan-Equal quality of all kinds of foods.
Samhanan( samahati/ samyojan). A well demarcated bones,well bound joints well formed muscles  and blood.
Agar sampat: Exellence of diet , described in sharir sthan of Charak in 6 th adhyay which causes Ahar saushthav i.e. consuming excellent food with full concentration  of all senses which provides all Balavridhikar Bhavas ( factors responsible for good strength and vitality in all means).
Sarvarasatmak aahar- one should consume food of all 6 tastes instead of only spicy or sweets like. 
Also Ayurved  givespescial importance to Karshan or upavaas or Langhana  for many diseases as a remedy which prooved beneficial .By phagocytosis the toxins get digested . Naturopa thy  recommend upavaas  for many disorders and described as a complete therapy. 
  • Make aware about Adharneeya vegas i.e. non suppresible urged/ suppression of natural urges which may be end up with acute and chronic diseases, natural are ex.urge of flatus,fasces,urine, yawning,tears, erection, vomitting,hunger,thirst, dysopnea, sleep.
  • Should guide about three pillars of life like Ahar( good food),Nidra( good sleep), and Bramhacharya( preservation of shukra dhatu).
  • Explain about Dharmiya vegas( all manasik urges like greed, anger,fear ,ego jealousy,lying,molustation, stealing ,desire for other women etc), which can improve soscial health also.
  • Also promote spirituality for patients comes for depression, frustration, suicidal tendency etc.
  • Make awareness  about Preservation of Nature,earth , enviourmental health, personal hygiene along with hygiene of surroundings.
  • Pradnyaparadh,Asatmya indriyarth samyog like concept ( previously described in detail) timely taken for counseling of the patient so that spiritualism of patients wii be increase and help to freed from misbehaving and the ultimate health can be achieved.

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