Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Boost your immunity by Rejuvanation under Ayurved guidelines

Rejuvenating Ayurveda!

Ayurveda provides a treasure of information related to health in the form of herbs,types of foods, preparations, procedures etc.only the need to promote and implement it on practical basis.

There are many limitations for the use of antibiotics,sulfa drugs because of their lots of side effects also  the fear of drug resistance. To such challenges the single drug  formulations like Haridra,Tulsi,Neem prooves superior with antibiotic properties. 
Also as a liver tonic in cirrhosis or hepatitis/ jaundice like conditions there are almost no options besides some ayurvedic products like some Ayurvedic liver tonics,
In Dengue the reduced platelet count increases due to some beneficial components of Papaya leaves( Caraca papaya).

For new Researches doctors should be provoked, like researches on pharmacodynamics of panchkarma procedures like Vaman, Virechana, Raktamokshan,Nasya,Tarpan.Also on some animal originated substances like Gomutra,there should be research for the study of specific gravity of Gomutra,it's efficacy etc. in obesity like conditions.

In Ayurveda classics like Charak,Sushrut ,Astang,many herbs and formulations are suggested,on those no further researches are carried on up till now.

Many food preparations are suggested in Ayurveda texts which should be again research to see it's efficacy in diseases.For Obesity like life style disorders Ayurveda provides many regimens ( like deepan pachan dravyas,medapachani,karshaniya yavagu,lekhaneeya ,mahakashayas,apatarpaniya aahar - vihaare etc.)  in various texts in detail which can provide a ideal diet regime for Obesity and other lifestyle disorders like Diabeties.

Food preparations 28 yavagu ( a soup like preparations)  for internal use; 32 lepa( cream or ghrita based) for external use ,50 types of Mahakashayas ( decoctions) ,should be re-formulated and research  which are grossly classified and described in Ayurved classics.

Anjana ( collyrium) for  good eyesight and health of eyes;
Gandush or kaval like types of gargling procedures should be promote ( as it possesses many properties).
Padabhyanga ( foot massage) like concept should  be explore for scalp problems, hair issues,good eye sight,also for good and sound sleep( may be one of the remedies on insomnia likes conditions).

There is need to explore the knowledge of Ayurvic Ditetics.As ayurved  classified all the eatables in solid and liquid type of food in lucid manner,Charak seperately explained in text Annapanvidhi adhyaya with various types of pulses,cereals( shami,shuka,shimbi,shali,shashthiik,Masha etc.) , Verity of vegetables, fruits,green leafy.So that we can invent new resources, and by that we may try to skip  Pesticides, Fertilizers etc.
As the concept organic vegetables or organic fruits is succeeded on that basis new options with nutrition rich can be cultivated.

There is need of further study in 'Rasayana' .when the complete world is taking efforts for the formulations which helps for slowing the age , Rejuvaneting, revitalizing products .On that basis Chyavanprash,, Bramhirasayan,Vidangatandula, Barahikanda Rasayana,Balarasayan like formulations should be revise and should be tested for its efficacy in human beings in Rejuvanation purpose.

Same in case of Aphrodisiac formulations ( Vajikaran) which may be help in primary and secondary infertility,in few conditions in which sexual impairment is seen e.g.in Dibetes which explains under the sympotom 'Javoparodh'; herbal aphrodisiacs agents are helpful to gain for successful parenthood and happy married life.

There is need of more researches on Agnikarma ( Therapeutic cautery)  acts like nerve block and stop the sense of pain ( it can be helpful in casualty treatement if done properly);Ksharakarma( Ayurvedic chemical cautery) shows proved results in piles, fistula like conditions.

Ghrita( cow ghee): Modern medicine prevent the inclusion of ghrita like substances for the sake of control of lipids, cholesterol but Ayurveda recommends ghrita very abundantly as a Rejuvaneting,shukravardhak( improves sperm count and it's quality), pittashamak,healing properties,so ghrita should re-Research in that view also.

Treatement of paralysis: Ayurved medication along with Panchkarma like Shirodhara, Abhyanga,Basti,Sarvangadhara improves the UMN ( upper motor nerve) deformity, which can reverse or improve the condition of paralytic  patients;
by taking inspiration other diseases or vatavyadhi( which includes almost all pathophysiological problems related to CNS and nerves) should be studied with ayurvedic perspective and medicines.

Garbhini  Regimen - Ayurveda provides detailed regimen for ANC not only for medication but also for during ANC and post delivary Do's  and don't s which can prevent deformities in foetus,frequent misscarriage or Abortions like conditions.

There is need of to explore  the knowledge about few procedures which were successfully practiced abundantly in those era,one of them is Uttarbasti. In anovulatory cycle, primary and secondary infertility,In TORCH like infections , PCOS,Metrorhagia,Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhoea,Oligomenorrhea, Leucorrhoea,in obesity induced hormonal imbalanced and vise versa also in  I.e.hormoneal imbalance induced obesity, prolapsed uterus ,some urinary diseases, repeated UTI, urine dribbling or incontinence,or retention, urgency etc. like complaints can be resolved by Uttarbasti.

And lastly  I think there should be  more work  can be done on  'herbal contraceptive' both  oral and local.Ayurveda  explains in some texts of Bhavaprakash,Yogratnakar etc.

so Ayurveda classics provide us a treasure of medicines for human beings betterment ,we have to take its benifit.
Overall Ayurveda needs to updat so that accebtibility should be increase .And for future, abundant opportunities  can be open up to achieve healthy Life. 
For more search read my another posts:
Treat Insomnia with Ayurveda
Lifestyle disordrs: Emanciation
Lifestyle disordrs: obesity
Practical guidelines for Concept of health in today's  society
Ayurveda a Treasure for preservation of health
Update your health with Ayurveda

Preserve health prevent diseases with Ayurveda
Achieve Healthy future of  soscity with Ayurveda
Secrets of Healthy and glowing  skin & factors which affects it
Preserve your God gifted Beuty with Ayurveda
Hyperrpigmentation: Ayurvedic perspectives
Thinning of hair: A burning problem in youngster
Shiny long hair with Ayurved treatement
What is Ayu
Ayurveda & Concept of life
Origin of Universe 
Introduction of pioneer of the Indian surgery

Absorption of colon with respect to Basti
Technical aspects of PANCHKARMA


Ayurved:A Key of Health

Thining of hair a burning problem in youngsters

Shiny ,long hair with Ayurved treatement

PHARMACODYNAMICS of VAMAN( Therapeutic emesis)