Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Absorption mechanism of COLON with respect to Basti( therapeutic enema)

Mechanism of colon with respect to Basti

In reference to pharmacodynamics of Basti i.e.Therapeutic Enema which is one of the prime procedures of panchkarmas; where enema of decoction ( called as Neerooha basti or Asthapan basti) and enema of medicated oil( called as Anuvasan basti)   is administered.In this procedure whenever basti dravyas administer through anal canal,it performs massive changes (which are temporarily can be seen ) in colon on the basis of its absorption, glandular secretions  which are occur due to irritation of basti dravya.
Which seems like irrigation of water and nutrients to a plant from roots to the branches and leaves.
So here we will discuss about what are the basic components which take important part in absorption of various nutrients in various parts of colon.

Absorption: All the mechanical and chemical phases of digestion from.mouth to colon the food changing into forms that can pass through the absorptive epithelial cells lining the mucosa and into the underlying blood and lymphatic vessels called absorption.
These forms are
1) Monosaccharides( Glucose , Fructose and Galactose) from carbohydrates,
2) Single amino acids ,dipeptides and tripeptides from proteins,
3) Fatty acid,glycerol and monoglycerides from triglycerides.

Large Intestine
These large is the terminal portion of the GI tract.
-Large intestine can be divided in to ascending colon,yransebetse colon,descending colon and sigmoid colon.
- Most of the absorption in the large intestine occurs in proximal end of the colon so it is called Absorbing Colon.
- Where as distal end of the colon stores the feces until excretion,so it is  called storage colon.

The overall functions of the large intestine are.
1) The completion of absorption
2) The production of certain vitamins
3) The formation and expulsion of feces from the body.

In heathy people between 2-20% of ingested starch escapes absorption in the small intestine. carbohydrates that reach to colon can be metabolised by the bacterial flora.  Anaerobic bacterial metabolism results in the break down of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides to mono and disaccharides which are metabolised further to lactic acids are absorbed by colonic mucosa.
,*in normal subjects 80gram of carbohydrates per day can be  metabolised by the bacteria to short chain fatty acids are absorbed by the  colonic mucosa.
*Long chain triglycerides cannot be absorbed by the human colon.
*Medium chain fatty acids are absorbed by colonic mucosa in short bowel syndrome patients.

Carbohydrates And Fats
*Small chain fatty acids <6carbons
Medium chain fatty acids 6-12 carbons
Long chain fatty acids>12 carbons
Very long chain >22 carbons
In the essential fatty acids : Short chain EFA: 18carbons
Long chain EFA: 20 orore carbons
EFA are 1) Linoleic acid
2) Alpha linolenic acid(2)
Tila tail contains mainly linolenic acid . Chemical formula C-18H-32O-2

Refferences- 1) Gastro Intestinal and liver diseases by MARK FELDMAN,8th Edition ,page:2204
2)Fats of life new letter retrieved 2007-12-12.

Calcium Absorption
Calcium is absorbed from the Intestinal lumen by two distinct mechanisms and their relative magnitude of importance is determined by the amount of free calcium  available for absorption:
1.Active ,transcellular absorption occurs only in the duodenum when calcium intake is low.This process involves import of calcium in to the enterocyte , transport across the cell  and export into the extracellular fluid and blood. Calcium enters the intestinal epithelial cells through voltage- insensitive ( TRP) channels and is pumped out of the cell via a calcium ATPase.
The rate limiting step in transcellular calcium absorption is transport across the epithelial cells , which is greatly enhanced by the carrier protien calbindin,the synthesis of which is totally dependent on Vitamin D.
2.Passive ,paracellular absorption occur in the jejunum and ileum,and ,to a much blesser extent ,in the colon when dietary calcium levels are moderate or high.In this case ,ionized calcium diffuses through tight junctions in to the basolateral  spaces arround enterocytes ,and hence into blood.When calcium availability is high ,this pathway responsible for the bulk of calcium Absorption ,due to the very short time available for the active transport in the duodenum.

Absorption of calcium requires solublisation of calcium salts.Bacterial metabolism of dietary fibers of incomple  absorbed carbohydrates may help solublize calcium by causing a decrease  in PH of luminal content inthe colon. Once  calcium solublised  it may contact the cecal mucosa .In addition to Their effect on luminal PH,the short chain fatty acids acetate and propionate which are products of bacterial metabolism of lactose ,have been shown to enhance calcuium absorption directly in the human colon.

Refferences-1) The Journal of Nutrition vol.129 No.1 January 1999,pp.9-12.
2) Gastro intestinal and Liver diseases by MARK FELDMAN, 8th edition,page: 2204.

Protein: Bacteria convert any remaining proteins to amino acids and break down the antacids into simpler substances ,indol,skatole ,hydrozen sulfide and fatty acid., which are eliminated in the feces and contributes to their odour. The rest is absorbed and transported to the liver.
Vitamins: Bacterial products that are absorbed in the colon include several vit needed for normal metabolism among them some vit B and vit K

Reference: Torata,11th edition ,page no: 935

Ions which absorbed from large intestines are Na+,K+,ca+,cl-,Hco3
The tight junction between the epithelial of the large intestine are much titer than small intestine ,so it prevents back diffusion of ions through these junction and allows the large intestine to complete absorption of a sodium ions against higher concentration than small intestine.
In the distal  portion of small intestine and mucosa of large intestine bicarbonates ions are secreted,so equal number of chloride ions also absorbed  simultaneously so it is ion exchange transport process. The Hco3- neutralizes the acidic end product of the Bacterial action in the large intestine.
 Water absorption
Water: 90,% of water absorption occurs in the small intestine , remaining 10% absorbed in the large intestine.0.5-1.0liter of water that enters the large intestine .But  about 100-200ml is normally absorbed via osmosis.
Absorption of Na+,Cl- ions creates an osmotic gradient across the large intestine mucosa which intern causes absorption of water.
Hence we need not fear that the fluid administered through Niroohabasti will enter circulation beyond more amounts.
Reference:Tarota,11th edition ,page no:935

Rectal Absorption
Fats are poorly absorbed,it is evident , therefore ,that are the best ingradients of which to make nutritive enemata are protons ,albu- Moses,eggs with salt,raw beef juice and starch . How it happens that undigested egg albumin ,meat - juices and starch are perfectly absorbed from the rectum had not been explained.
Probably the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes are capable of modifying them chemically.

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