Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Preserve your God gifted Beuty with Ayurveda

Be Beutiful with Ayurveda!

Ayurveda classics detailed explain about how to achieve beuty,how to increase and by which ways it can be preserve.

While treating any type of disorder Ayurveda believe to destroy or remove the causative factors or root factors  which are responsible for it. Many times use of medicine or food possessing oposite properties can give relief.
According to ayurved  theory of "Swabhaoparamvaad" means to avoid the factors of same characteristics of the symptoms.By stopping to consume food or avoiding the same external behaviour can stop remove the etiology.
For example if we want to emptied any water filled container,first we have to stop entery of water by clossing it's inlet ,after that we should remove the water which make easier empting of container ,same here while doing treatment of any disease first of all we have to stop the causative factors,then treate the symptoms so that long-term or for  forever prevention of disease can be achieved.
Here we are discussing about external beuty of body,beuty of skin, complexion is the prime factor for appearance,self presentation,confidence and form.In fact beuty possess the role of basic fundamental of one's personality.
Good complexion,floless skin,long shiny hair,sharp and beautiful eyes,nose .These are the basic attribute or measurements  to judge a Beauty. Complexion and good scalp hair growth plays the key role in male beuty also.  In this era People attracted or consider only the external beuty mostly. Infact  it affects one's overall progress.pimples,blackening of skin,cloasma,blemishes,strech marks,extra unnecessary hai growth on face or body,fungal infections of skin, vitiligo, dermatitis,hair loss,grayng of hair, alopecia,furunculitirs i.e infection of hair root,eye problems,nasal deformity,obesity,thiningof body or lack of at under the skin by that lack of feminine structure , posture related diseases etc. Can affect the beuty.
In cosmetology peeling,botox,use of leser,many cosmetic surgeries,cosmetic products in the form of creams,lotions,facial therapies, are available to treat the problems to regain the original or natural beauty. But always,in all circumstances those can be beneficial.is not necessary.First of all those treatments are not affordable to all,may severe side effects for life long also,secondly those procedures are not the permenent solutions.
But Ayurveda see the problems in another specs,by different angle. As it is said that face is the mirror of internal health. So whatever we consume,whichever enviourment or seasonal precaution or regimen we following,how soevr we dealing with external pollution that will be reflect on face,and deside the beuty.
Ayurveda observes the following factor which causes the basic constitution of body:
Consumption of too much oily,sticky,heavy to digest,non vegetarian food daily consumption,to eat white rice dily without considering the digestive fire or Appetit.,more carbohydrates  food items like pizza, burger,,which lacking the rafez  or lack of salads or fruit in diet insted of that use of  ready juices or cold drinks,beverages,alcohol etc.consumption of fermanted food on daily basis,use of too much sore,too spicy ,to salty or more sweets.Use of curd, icecream frequently without considering the season,any time.eatables with flavours,buiscuits ,pudding,cake,milk products,,cheese ,paneer.in more quantity,new grains,see food,fishes in daily diet.On the other side lack of exercise,lac,syfentry life style ,day sleep,consumption of too cold water,use of A.C.,more drinkinfg of water during or immidiatey after food ,after dinner.
All the above discussed factors increase the Kapha  ( a basic factor of body which posses the sicky slimmyness,cold,heavy, moisture like properties which are benificial to body up to certain limits but due to  excess may cause many diseases).
Which further leads to many skin problems loss of complexion,dibetes like conditions where automatic loss of lusture of all over body can be accure,too much moles on the body,discolouration of skin etc also can be cause.
The basic reason behind all this is the infected,toxic food juice formation in the body which is the result of indigestion, dumpping of food in the body further vitiated the fress food also and finally affect the basic constituent factors like seven dhatus Rasa( plasma/ lymph),Rakta( blood), Man's( muscles),meda( fat),Asthi(
bone),majja(bone marrow), And finally prime factor of all sukra( semen/ ovum).
Ayurveda gives very much importance to digestive fire preservation I.e.Agniraksha.
While consuming food few etiquettes told in Ayurveda are avoid to consume too much hastily,or too slowly,too much fasting or overeating,eating while indigestion,etc may affect badly to health.
Also the manas bhav or one's temperament also plays important role in beuty.Here I m producing a example about a girl of27 yr coming  to me ,appeared to much sick,cachexic,weak,lean and thin,loss of lusture of the face ,body,big under eye circles,loss of hair,loss of appetite.appearance sugessted to think towards Tuberculosis,HIV ,Cancer,IBS like chronic diseases.But on deep study come to know that ,he had a love affair with a boy who left her and went to foreign,no any contact and one day she come to know that he get married with another girl,and he won't come ever,she collapsed,leave the food,sleep and get dead one day. Do like food and other factors the healthy mind, fulfillment of all desires ,lack of sorroe I.ekaam,krodh,shoka,santaap, also plays important role in health ,disturbed mind also affect a healthy body andby that loss ofcomplexion ,beuty and strength.

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