Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Technical aspects of PANCHKARMA asper modern medicine

Technical aspects of PANCHKARMA Snehan -Swedan:Topical procedures of snehan - swedan( unction& sudation) such as churna pinda sweda,patrapotali sweda,shastic pinda sweda etc.)that are basically shamana( palliative) by nature,are frequently reffered as Panchkarma,but these comes under Bahiparimarjan therapies,so should be reffered as palliative topical therapy.

The main Purpose of unction and sudation before purification is the utklesh( secretions/ exudates) through the mucosa of the respective cavity;blended through the corresponding doshas( vata,pitta or kapha) are later subjected to the shodhan( bio- cleansing).While utklesh is achieved by undigested fat given as intense internal therapeutic unction ( snehapaan) followed by sudation ( sweda); the palliative external unction and sudation procedures may also affect minor degrees of utklesh.This is removed by judicial devotions( gandharvahastyadi)  or by mild purification.

Snehan- Swedan followed by purification ( shodhan) procedures indicated in certain diseases which are not amneble by Shaman ( palliative) regimen alone.
At such these work by inflicting a challange i.e. a certain level of stress in the body,it may be considered as eustress.
Snehan induces meta bolic changes,Swedan thermal changes and shodhan a electolyte  and fluid changes.
Ayurveda gives much importance to fat as  food and medicine.Fat is foremost medicine for vata( as sesaem  oil) and for pitta ( as a cow ghee).It can be used in conditions where kapha is predominant,in processed form with herbs.

Fat is essential for the existence of our body.It gives strength, stability to the body tissues. Infact two of the body tissues meda ( adipose tissue) & majja ( bone marrow) are both fat based itself. Many vitamins are fat soluble. Many of the biochemical reactions happens in our body with the help of or mediated by fats though for energy yield,our body resorts to carbohydrate metabolism.The functions of nervous system are primarily based on fats.
As per new researches ,herbal extracts acting on the nervous system can influence the brain only if they are given through fat medium. Fat also convay medicinal action of some preparations to the cardiac muscles.So fat is excellent vehicle to drugs.
Importance of proper dose determination for unction or why should follow the standard protocol-
For unction:
Fat can be given in therapeutic dosage or as a food.It can be used  as it is or can be processed with suitable medicines.It act as solvent to absorb the deranged doshas with toxins inherent in them and to transport them to GIT, with the help of sudation for elimination.
For Many energy requirements, our body utilizes  carbohydrate metabolism,not fat metabolism.Our body has got two reservoirs for storage nutrients to keep the cells of tbe body nourished when the gut is empty.One the short term reservior,stores carbohydrate in the liver.And other the long term stores fat in the adipose tissues.

Liver  cell under the influence of insulin convert the soluble glucose into insoluble  glycogen and store it till it is again converted in to glucose  by the influence of glucagon when the gut is empty this carbohydrate reservoir primarily meet for CNS.If the system is not replenished by the glucose CNS has to find out alternate energy source from the products of long term reservoir of fat. This consist of triglycerides, which are complex molecule containing glycerol and three fatty acids- stearic acid ,oilic acid and palmitic acid.

In the fasting phase,aided by sympathetic system, glucose converted from stored up glycogen of the liver provide energy for the CNS where as energy demands for other cells met with fatty acid,the left over glucose after filling the short term store at the liver is converted into tryglycerides, likewise the extraprotiens in the diet are also as it is.
 When the body is ' diseased ' the metabolic pathways also need ' cleansing up'.
By doing snehapan we are restoring to fat metabolism temporarily,as the carbohydrate intake is too low in that period,a kind of glucoprivation- forced moderate glucose deprivation to which the body is not adapted . Presumably there are two sets of receptors,once inthe brain ,at the blood barrier level sensetive to gkucoprivaton and another inthe liver sensetive to both and lipoprivation that moniter the level of metabolic fuels.
Snehapan forced moderate deprivation of glucose- is a sudden change,may cause a mild shock,the body repairs the damaged pathways and thus the benefits of snehapan can e reaped. The eliminator procedures can be done only after ' cleansing' the metabolic procedure is  done,samsarjan kriya( intake of glucose- rich diet,of Gradually increasing heaviness) is done which helps the body to once again tuned to be carbohydrate metabolism.
The body is rich in fats .It is held in Ayurveda that ' snehasaram purush'. No biochemical reactions or any other cell function would ever occur in the body in the absence of fats and hence,they are necessary for existence of life. In order to accumulated wastes also fats are used to dissolved the wastes and toxins in it and aided with the help of increased temperature sudation t
Melt  and transport them to nearest port of GIT,and thus in eliminting them .The ability to dissolve these wastes are specific to fats.Once the purification is over,all procedure is done like rejuvanetive procedures or even palliative medicines will get many folds efficacy as well as the pathway are open .As per researches through during the active phase f snehapan,serum lipids fractional levels may increase much ,once the snehapan is over and eliminator procedure is done,lipid profile is surprisingly return to normal-even in dislipidamics prior to therapy.

For more details read my  another posts
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PHARMACODYNAMICS of VAMAN( Therapeutic emesis)