Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Introduction of Pioneer of Indian Surgery and reasons of progress of surgery in modern era.

The Legend of Indian Surgery

 Today we discussing about the great Indian surgeon Sushrut,who very well known for his skillful , exclusive surgeries who become the light house in sea of treatment in the period of 1000 years before Christ.


As per literature available,the exclusive,most Firstly expalined procedures are which represents the wealth  of indian therapeutics also:

1.Sushrut elaborated Anatomy and dissections ,post mortem of human body first and foremostly.
2.Use of various types of tools, equipments( yantra and shastras) ,use of alkalis,fire or agni,leech in detail.
3.Types of wounds,there appearance with detailed treatement.
4.To generate analgesia,anasthesia like condition they told to use Alcohol,beverages.
5. Explain surgeries of intrauterine dead foetus,deformed foetus.
6.Explain types of fractures and those treatment.
7.Types of bandaging,types of burn also they explained too detailed even than modern .
8. Post surgery deformities also explained  by sushrut.Deformities of ear pinna, cleft lips,in such condition sandhan i.e.plastic surgery he explained.
9 In Sushrut samhita there is detailed information about opthalmology also.In that surgeries of cataract,and glaucoma are explained by name linganaash and adhimanth respectively.

Reasons behind progress of surgery in later yrears:
1.in 1741 Nicolas endru write book 'L.Arthopidic)
2.in 1772 Josef pristle  and Homfary Devy invent about the Nitros oxide  the drug for anasthetia.
3. In 1842 Kraford of America invented about ether a another anastheic drug,first time it used by Morgan in 1846.
4.In 1878 to 1883 many surgeries on brain and stomach are performed.
5.1879Lodan Tet done surgery of gall bladferand Vilyam mesven on tumour of brain.
6.In 1881 Thiorod Bilroth done gastrotomy which further explain as BilrothI and II
7.In 1828 pasture invented about bacteria in present in atmosphere and Coch invented about Tubercular bacterias.
8.1883 Ludwig Koreiser done Posterior Jeju ostomy firstly.
9.Ridiser  done Resection  for gastric ulcer.
10.1885 Nits invented cystoscope before that surgeries of urine stone and sticturr of urethra only were vommenly done.
11.in 1895 invention of X-rays by Rontejen,after that sir Aarbuthnaught use the silver wire to reunion the fracture for setting and fixation.
12. In 1901 Carl ladstener divide blood samples in group A,B,AB  and O  by that blood transfusion becomes easier.
13.in 1903 Frank poll done ndsurgery of tumor of large intestine
14.in 2910 Fredit and  Ramstead  done a big surgery on digestive system.which fu.
15.at starting of 20 th century brain tumors,renal transplantation,artificial kidney surgeries were undergon.
16.1929 Lungs lobe section done by Bruni.
17.1935 to 1841 salpha group and penicillin like antibiotics wre came in use which are invented by Alexander Fleming,for streptococci Prannsotil  invented by Dogmark.
18.In 1938 The surgery of PDA is done by Robert Gross
19. In 1940 Landstiner and winner invented Rh factor of blood
20.In 1947 in Britain jems Simpson use chloroform as anastheic drug
21.In  1952 different types of splints were used in fracture.
22.Duch scientists Antogena  start use of plaster of Paris in fracture.
23.in 1953 Halfgonal and Debeki done many cardiac surgeries.
25.Dregstred done Vagotomy for gastric ulcer.Use of Isotopes is start.B
bank, blood bank,plasma bank even stem cells bank are invented.
head prosthesis of femur, complete joint replacement,knee replacemet like surgeries are invented  .....
CT scan,USG,PETs,MRI etc like investigation techniques are inven in rescent century and many more....
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