Ayurveda a way of life

Future scope of Ayurveda

FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH Countries will need to pursue a multiple strategy in health care system, with the priorities dedicated by levels of perfect diagnosis, fruitful treatment and satisfaction of patient. Technology is transforming every aspect of the way we live, it is not only saving lives but it opening up new frontiers that are previously unimaginable, so we can do the use of this technology for diagnosis in the form of abundantly available investigation measures. There is digitalization occur everywhere, the data in the form of ‘prakriti parikshan’ will be helpful for diagnosis and treatment. World is going through a serious deficit of immunity or resistance power, found unable to fight against the pandemic Covid -19,so circumstances suggest that we should work on basic body immunity and which can be improve or boost by considering Swasthavritta i.e. maintenance of positive health. Also promote, encourage people towards nature; Guide ...

Hyperpigmentation :Ayurvedic perspective

Improve skin health with Ayurveda!

Hyperpigmentation is also called as blemishes,freckles and dark spots.It mainly occurs due to uneven accumulation of melanin pigments in the epidermis area of skin.

We have ample choices and options in this modern era to treat this hyper pigmentation. Cosmetic manufacturing companies are pouring their number of products in the market to overcome the hyperpigmentation.

This disorder can be very much controlled by Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic remedies for hyperpigmentation include both internal and external treatement to help your skin return to its normal complexion.

According to Ayurveda the outer beuty is effect of innerbeauty.All external aspects of the body like skin,nail,hair are byproducts of deeper tissues.

Why these hyperpigmentation become it's reasons are as follows:
The top most layer of the skin is 
byproductof Rasa( plasma and lymphatic system).If this rasa dhatu is healthy,the skin will glow.But if it is not healthy then the skin will become dry,dull and lusturless.
The Rasa dhatu is formed from  good precursors which are the end product of food juice in the stomach.If our digestive fire is good then it digest the food well and forms a healthy rasa dhatu and consequently the other dhatus or elements on the basis of which the constitutional structure of body form.

If food is not digested properly it gives rise to Aama( toxins) in the body.These toxins are circulated throughout the body which turns into blocks the body channels and organs and give rise to diseases.

According to Ayurveda the skin has seven layers,located not only superficially but they extend to the deeper levels of the body.Hence the Ayurvedic philosohy says that all the skin diseases are indicators of imbalance in the doshas.

Main causes of hyperpigmentation:
Wrong diet
Wrong lifestyle
Which an individual follows knowingly or unknowingly.

Wrong diet:If someone follows a diet that is against the season or the individual constitution it creates an imbalance in the three doshas or the energies which governs our body.Once imbalanced these three doshas causes skin diseases  but the prime factor for skin disorder is Pitta.The pitta sympbolizes  heat or fire.It is responsible for giving complexion and lusture to the skin.
The vitiation of the "Bhrajak Pitta" causes skin disorders like hyper pigmentation,hypopigmentation,acne,pimples etc.

Factors increasing pitta are:
1.oily and greasy food
2.Hot and spicy foods
3.Fried substances
4.The acidic foods like tomatos,lemon or citrus fruits
5.Fermented substances like bread ,curd,yeast,idali,dosa etc like eatables.

Although the imbalance of tridosas causes diseases in the body; pitta; and vata dosa play important role in causing skin diseases.
The seat organ for vatik skin:
Once vata gets imbalanced it also causes skin diseases along  with pitta.
Vata is responsible to feel touch phenomenon means it controls the sensory part of nervous system also secretions from sweat  and sebum glands,transportation of nutrients to various organs and blood circulation.Imbalance in vata causes disturbances in the above mentioned functions.

Wrong lifestyle:
Following lifestyles that is against the season or individual constitution creates an imbalance in pitta.

following lifestyle factors should be avoided that vitiated pitta:
1) Excessive exposure to heat,sun and chemicals
2)Late night awakening
3)Drinking too much tea,coffee,or alcohol
4) Excessive smoking and anger
5) excessive exercise
6) excessive stressful life.
7) excessive working near furnaces

Remedies :
Avoiding the causative factors which  causes hyperpigmentation.
The Ayurvedic practice of Ushnodaka i.e.drinking of hot water,which helps to stimulate your digestive fire,which further expel out toxins that harm our skin and lead to hyper pigmentation.

Evacuating bowels on a regular basis helps to get rid of toxins. Treating patients suffering from hyper pigmentation can be treated with mild laxatives according to the constitution and severity of constipation.

Ayurveda recommends fascial pastes or packs that can help restore balance to the skin .Daily treatements of paste of gram pea and milk or almond powder and goat milk can nourish the skin and reduce inflammation and spots of hyper pigmentation.As these are natural cleansers,takes time to fade the darkened spot.
Also can add the small budding leaves of bayan tree called as vatashringa in the paste of Masoor daal with curd can help to remove blemishes or cloasma like conditions.
 It shows bleaching effect for hair on the face .

In classics of Ayurveda some combination herbs are elaborately discussed as follows,Lotus seed and petals ,Arjuna,Red sandalwood,Turmeric , saffron in the appropriate formulas and combination gives very effective and wonderful results.

Performing ayurvedic fascial under the supervision of qualified physician helps to give better results in short time along with internal medication.

 Ayurvedic herbs can be used externally are:
Nimba( Azadiracta indica)
Manjishtha( Rubia corifolia)
Chandan( sandalwood)
Haridra( turmeric)
Khadeer,Debdaru,kumari (Aloe).

Internal medicines like
Maha manjishthadi decoution,arogyavardhini vati,guduchi Ghana vati,
Saraswatatarishta,panch tikta ghritt,haridrakhanda,sarivadidyasav etc.
Avoid over exposure to ultra violet rays of sunlight,
Avoid chemical based cosmetics.

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